Turner Land Ltd. specializes in assisting clients with land related acquisitions and meeting their regulatory requirements. We offer diversified land and regulatory services to our clients across Western Canada.
Turner Land Ltd. is owned, managed and operated by competent and experienced professionals with a longstanding track record of excellence, to meet all your land and regulatory needs with accuracy, expediency and cost effectiveness.
We value our relationships that are built on efficiency, accuracy and hold a high regard to the trust-based integrity with our clients, landowners, occupants, and industry stakeholders all while upholding our reputation both in the industry and communities we conduct business in.
We focus on managing all the details of your project from start to finish, by using our experienced project managers, administrators and land agents who combine their knowledge and local relationships to secure the project in a transparent, professional, cost-effective and efficient manner.
Our dedicated team has had extensive hands-on experience with the AEP land applications, including use of the Landscape Analysis Tool (LAT), Landscape Analysis Indigenous Relations Tool (LAIRT) tools, and requirements for Standard and Non-Standard Applications for our non-upstream oil and gas clients.
We also have a broad range of experience with AER OneStop applications and submissions. We have worked on many types of projects with our UPSTREAM oil and gas clients and maintained a positive relationship with the regulator in order to successfully obtain approvals to meet our clients timing needs and while maintaining accuracy and professionalism.
Upon receiving a project, our team will conduct a comprehensive review of options, surveys, project information, prepare accurate acquisition documents and obtain all required third party approvals. Our experienced land agents carry out acquisitions, consultations and notifications to stakeholders.
INDIGENOUS consultation
Indigenous communities play an important role in resource development across Canada. On behalf of our clients, we will conduct representation with First Nations, Metis Communities and Aboriginal Groups acting as a liaison between clients and each impacted community on issues such as Site Visits, Map Reviews, meetings with Elders, Monitors and other band members, Economic Development, Site Visit Costs & Industrial Infringement on Treaty Rights on Traditional Lands while staying up to date on current legislation in order to meet and exceed the ACO requirements.
All our team members who conduct Indigenous consultations, have obtained Indigenous Canada certification from the University of Alberta.
utilities, SOLAR & Telecommunications
At Turner Land Ltd., we pride ourselves on our ability to be adaptable to our clients and their specific needs. Please contact us regarding any of your utility, solar or telecommunications needs.
Our team is well versed in the geothermal land and regulatory requirements.
At this time, our Alberta Government alongside the Alberta Energy Regulator, are finalizing the implementation of regulatory framework and we look forward to working within this up-and-coming industry.
waste management & SUB-SURFACE STORAGE
We specialize in AER Directive 051, Directive 058 and Directive 065 applications
Our management team has vast experience with waste disposal projects over many years working and advising on projects for small waste companies all the way to the largest waste companies in western Canada. Let us assist you with crown mineral authorizations, disposal consents, public consultation and land acquisition for injection wells, disposal wells, cavern well applications and landfills in order to obtain injection, disposal or storage regulatory approvals.
Further, we have completed the necessary requirements to obtain facility license’s along with disposal and storage scheme approvals.
the turner advantage
Turner Land Ltd. may be new, but our team has been providing land and regulatory services throughout western Canadian energy industry sectors for the past 20 years. Our managing partner and professional team, combine for many decades of business experience and are committed to professionalism, high productivity and providing a premium end result for all our clients. Our head office is located in Foothills, AB.
Should you have any upcoming opportunities, we would appreciate your consideration to include Turner Land Ltd. as a potential provider for any of your land related needs.